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Morocco International Conference 2014

The Annual International Conference for ARAMFO Foundation for Multicultural Education and Students’ Understanding will be held at the University Hassan II in Casablanca, Morocco June 19-21, 2014. The conference’s title is “Challenges, Land, Culture, and Understanding in the Arab World.” Professors and students from the United States of America and Morocco will gather to discuss the challenges that the Arab World faces during the Arab Spring and to promote an academic collaboration among Americans and individuals of the Arab world. Involving academics from both regions will endorse a mutual understanding of each region's goals and aspirations for the future of the relationship of Americans and of the Arab world. Professors and Students from different Arab countries are, additionally, welcome to participate in this International Conference.


This conference is devoted to promoting understanding of the Arab world through the context of academia, thereby endorsing stronger ties between Americans and the Arab world. Individuals participating in this International Conference will gain a broader understanding of multiculturalism within the Arab world as well as encouraging tolerance of culture and diversity. Involvement at the international level will help to create a more authentic understanding of tolerance among these two groups. The focus of Challenges, Land, Culture and Understanding in the Arab World create the ideal opportunity for most disciplines in the humanities to observe the Arab world in their respective fields of study.


For More information Please visit our :- Morocco International Conference Booklet