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Mission Statement

It is the mission of the ARAMFO Foundation to construct Short-Term Faculty & Educator-Led Travel Courses to enhance progressive intercultural opportunities and to globally facilitate multicultural education. We strive to build a stronger bridge of understanding between students from all nationalities for better multicultural comprehension and tolerance.

Mission Details

The ARAMFO mission is to improve the relations and ties between countries and to create a new generation of ambassadors who represent their homelands in a safe academic setting. It is our goal that each student can speak freely about modern and historical issues on each of our trips so that students will be able to better evaluate the region and culture they visit. The major aim of ARAMFO is to help individuals increase their understanding and tolerance of other cultures, engaging in international interactions through an educational context, and broadening their social horizons.

The Educational and Cultural Affairs Bureau of the U.S. Department of State, along with the US exchange community, recognize the importance of youth exchange as a key component of renewed commitment to building bridges between citizens of the U.S. and countries around the world. ARAMFO believes that to achieve intercultural tolerance and stronger ties between different cultures that we must expand our view from only the youth exchange program. Thereby, creating comprehensive programs of international studies that could include (but is not limited to); youth exchange programs, study abroad, travel study courses, and supporting international students in their universities. Our service works to accommodate Pre K-12 teachers, teachers leaders, students, instructors, professors, administrators and policy makers outside their country of citizenship, whether American citizens or other students in the U.S, while they study abroad. ARAMFO helps students to overcome the cultural barriers that very often stand between students and achieving their anticipated academic progress in regards to globalization and multiculturalism.

In addition, we bring educators to countries that have developed recognized programs used extensively throughout the world, and to countries whose culture, history and artistic traditions would be of interest to social studies, art and world language teachers/administrators.

ARAM-FO Meaning
The name ARAMFO integrates "Aram," a term with profound historical, cultural, and spiritual significance.
Historical Meaning: "Aram" originates from ancient history, referring to a highland region mentioned in historical texts, including areas in present-day Syria. It represents a region renowned for its influence on language, culture, and civilization.

By incorporating "Aram" into its name, ARAMFO reflects a mission inspired by the heritage of human advancement, cultural elevation, and the universal pursuit of knowledge and understanding.