Blog categorized as Professors' Testimonies
Transformative Educational Exchange: Reflections on the Reggio Emilia Experience with ARAMFO
This course was offered during the first six week summer session in 2012. Following is a description of various elements of the course. I went to Egypt with the students and therefore am able to report on that portion of the trip from first- hand knowledge. In addition, I attended all the Saturday c...
A two-week trip to Egypt in May gave nine UNC students an opportunity to learn about the complex politics and culture in contemporary Egypt, as well as experience ancient Egypt through guided visits to the pyramids and other famous landmarks. The May 18-31 trip, offered through UNC's Center for Inte...
KUSA - Students from Western State Colorado University and their professor were recently in Egypt-Sociology professor Dan Cress and '14 students spent two weeks there at the end of May. Cress teaches a class about revolutions and democracy in Egypt. They spent nine months preparing for the trip- In ...
For centuries, Morocco’s breathtaking landscapes and unique heritage have inspired famous Western artists as Matisse, writers like William Burroughs, musicians from Bob Marley to Jimi Hendrix and the Rolling Stones, as well as filmmakers from Orson Welles to Ridley Scott. Into this dynamic interming...